Best Superfoods for Weight Loss and Healthy Diet

Here is a list of Superfoods; which basically means foods that pack the greatest nutritional punch for their weight and are very very good for you.

It is not meant to be the definitive list, inscribed on the dark side of the moon and maybe you know of other foods that should be added. If that’s the case then great! The more of these types of foods you consume within a well balanced diet, the healthier and longer you should live.

Whole foods, packed with nutrient-rich ingredients like Omega 3, long chain carbohydrates, phytonutrients (plant-based nutrients), heavy content of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals qualify for reference as Superfoods.

A Superfood gains this title only if the benefits that accrue from it weigh far beyond the nutritional value ascribed to it. The experts claim that the best way of optimizing your health is by adding Superfoods to your routine diet to enable them to interact with your body systems at the cellular level, to combine and produce overwhelming benefits for your health and help fill in shortfalls in your diet.

The benefits of these Superfoods are now legendary, especially with their proven contributions to lowering cholesterol, and minimizing your risks of exposure to life threatening diseases like cancer, heart diseases and even mood disorders.

The best part of it all is that Superfoods do not have side effects, and are available round the year at any supermarket close to your home. Well known nutritionists opine that even normal people with no known ailments can include Superfoods in their diet, and the results will show shortly thereafter. They feel that a regular intake of balanced quantities of Superfoods will bring about positive results to problems that people face, like diabetes, hypertension, cancer and heart disease.

A sustained diet of a combination of unprocessed real Superfoods should give you diverse benefits contributing to; weight loss, immunity against diseases and improved energy levels through detoxifying and body nourishment.

Various unprocessed and organically produced varieties of vegetables, fruits, seeds, grains, lean meat and fresh fish contribute to the list of Superfoods.

Details of some of the best Superfoods with the kind of benefits they provide for a regulated Weight Loss regime and a Healthy Life.


The apple tree originated somewhere in central Asia.
Apples contain fiber pectin and other antioxidants.  Eating a moderate amount of apples can help prevent cancers like bowel, lung and prostate. They can also lower cholesterol levels and thus lessen the risks of heart disease.
As the saying a goes “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

Originated in South America, possibly Mexico.  Despite having a considerably higher fat content than many other fruits, avocado fats are mostly oleic acid or monounsaturated fat, which is healthy fat and actually helps control cholesterol levels by displacing bad omega-6 fats. They are high in fiber and contain vitamins B, E and K. They also contain a good amount of potassium; significantly more than a banana. Avocados are arguably one of the most nutritional fruits on the planet.

 Beans or Edamame

Beans are one of the longest cultivated plants on the planet and thought to have originated in Afghanistan.
They are a great source of proteins and fiber as well as good carbohydrates, iron and folite.

Some varieties like the kidney bean have harmful toxins and must first be cooked or boiled before consuming.
The soluable fiber that beans contain help lower blood cholesterol levels.


With an antioxidant content topping all the fruits of the world, blueberries also contain useful quantities of phytoflavinoids, Vitamins A, C and E. As well as B complex, and minerals like copper, magnesium and potassium, which have a cumulative effect of slowing your aging process and enhancing your body immunity in battling inflammation, which drives all chronic diseases.

Many experts also credit blueberries in helping to reduce belly fat, and metabolic syndrome, which is the root cause of the risk factors contributing to cardiovascular problems and diabetes. Blueberries pack almost 40% more antioxidants than red wine


Broccoli, which is a member of the cabbage family has been around for 2000 or so years. It was first cultivated in Italy and is thought to have evolved from a wild cabbage plant.

Generally the darker green the broccoli is, the more nutritional content it holds.

Broccoli can be eaten raw to lightly steamed is better. Boiling for longer than 10 minutes will likely reduce nutritional content. Consumption of broccoli is widely regarded to lessen the risk of prostate cancer and heart disease. Along with related vegetables; broccoli contains a chemical called  sulforaphane which seems to activate a heart and artery protecting protein.


Despite traditionally being a food for the poor and lower class, buckwheat is surprisingly healthy and a very versatile food. From simple porridge that the early American pilgrims tucked into, to modern day hot and cold soba dishes, to cakes, muffins etc. Able to be consumed in a variety of ways both hot and cold.

Despite being called buckwheat it is in fact a fruit that generally grows best in poor to average soil. It produces a crop every 6 weeks. The plant flowers and the seed from the flower is ground down into either a grayish powder that can then be combined with water and made into a variety of foods.

Once upon a time the US had considerable amounts of land under buckwheat cultivation. Now days the amount is much much smaller. Hopefully as more people appreciate what it has to offer for both weight loss and a healthy diet it will again become popular.


Chlorella is a microscopic fresh water plant found in tropical areas where there is an abundance of natural sunlight. It is a dark green color which is a result of its high chlorophyll content. And in fact contains the highest levels of chlorophyll found in any food. Chlorophyll’s main benefit is in its ability to naturally clean blood by removing blood pollutants such as bad fats and other unhealthy toxins from blood. As such it’s an excellent detox agent in the quest for weight loss and nourishing the body.


Despite the bad rap that eggs get due to their high cholesterol, in the bigger food picture they can be regarded as a Superfood. And recent research shows that eating a moderate amount of eggs does not raise your cholesterol levels anyway.

Apart from the near endless ways we can use eggs and consume eggs they are in fact high in protein, and can supply the body with all essential amino acids. They also contain several vitamins and minerals. More than half the calories in an egg are contained in fats in the yolk (a large yolk could have up to 60 calories), but if these fats are omega 3 fatty acids, which are appearing more in eggs on the market now, then this isn’t a big concern. If you want to reduce calories then remove the yolk and only eat the egg white which is around 85% water and 15% protein.


Although used a vegetable, eggplants are botanically a berry. So there’s confusion as to whether they are a vegetable or berry. You can make the choice. They contain a range of vitamins and minerals plus phytonutrients which are important as antioxidants in the body.
Eggplants originated in the Indian sub continent.


Like pears, grapefruit has a good supply of vitamin C and fiber pectin which is good for lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, thus reducing the risk of heart disease and bowel cancer. They also contain the antioxidant, lycopene
They were first cultivated in Jamaica in the 18th century.

 Green Tea

A favorite drink for the Japanese at any time of the day, the health benefits of drinking green tea are becoming more popular.

The reason why gren tea is so healthy and makes our Superfood list is the way it is processed. This sets it apart from other tea varieties.

Green tea leaves are steamed which traps a very powerful anti oxidant called epigallocatechin gallate or (EGCG) for short. This anti oxidant and other compounds may reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. More recent studies also suggest compounds in green tea help lower bad cholesterol which reduces the risk of abnormal blood clots and build up of plaque in arterial walls. It is the formation of abnormal bloods clots (called thrombosis) that cause most heart attacks and strokes.

For anyone wishing to lose weight, transitioning away from sugar laced soda drinks onto green tea is a very wise health move. Apart from the antioxidants; a BBC article also suggested a link between moderate green tea consumption and reduced risk of breast cancer.

 Kiwi Fruit

Kiwi fruit is another fruit that has made it into the Superfood club. The name comes from New Zealand’s national symbol which is a brown flightless bird called the Kiwi. The fruit originated in China where it was called Yang Tao. Seeds were taken to New Zealand in the early 20th century and renamed Kiwi fruit.

Kiwi fruit contains good amounts of vitamins C, E and in a smaller amount vitamin A. If you can, you’d get more nutritional benefit by eating the skin as well, for it contains flavonoid antioxidants and dietary fiber and most of the vitamin C is just under the skin. Recent studies have shown that it also acts as a blood thinner reducing the risk of blood clots that can lead to arterial blockages.

 Lean Beef

Apart from being a great source of protein, plus a major staple of our diet, Beef is a good source of minerals such like iron, B vitamins, selenium, phosphorus, and zinc. It also contains creatine which helps convert energy into muscle.
Studies suggest that selenium and B12 minerals in lean beef, may lower the risk of colon cancer.

 Nuts & Seeds

Nuts and seeds, are recommended by virtually all health professionals that should be part of your healthy and balanced diet.

Although most nuts and seeds contain a high fat and calorie content and should be restricted to 1 to 2 tablespoons a day if you’re on a weight loss plan, they are rich in much needed proteins and minerals such as magnesium, zinc, copper and potassium. As well as good polyunsaturated fats that help displace bad trans and saturated omega-6 fats from the bloodstream. One way to enjoy nuts and seeds in moderation is to use them in salads, soups and even low fat yogurts. A couple of really healthy seeds are pumpkin and sunflower.

 Olive Oíl  

Olive Oil is an unsaturated oil that originated in the Mediterranean Basin. The oil is extracted from the ripened olives; first by grinding, then separating the water and oil content.

Extra-virgin unprocessed olive oil has an abundance of antioxidants like vitamin E and the high proportion of monounsaturated fats suggests that it may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Unlike other oils, notably saturated and trans fats which increase bad cholesterol levels, olive oil can displace bad omega-6 fats, and actually lower cholesterol levels in the blood. It may also help to lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels.


Despite being a fairly boring looking vegetable, onions have none the less made it to the Superfoods list. Onions are one of the world’s oldest foods and are used in some form pretty well in every culture in the world. In days gone by they were prescribed to treat a host of health symptoms from headaches to women’s infertility. These days the main benefit of onions has been traced to a compound called  quercetin. Quercetin may help with antioxidant and anti-cancer activity as well as help with inflammations and reducing bad cholesterol. Onions originated in Asia.


Pears, like apples contain fiber pectin which is good for lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, thus reducing the risk of heart disease and bowel cancer. Unlike apples they contain a good amount of vitamin C. Most of the fiber is contained in the skin. Unlike many other fruits, pears are particularly good for allergy sufferers.
Pears are thought to have originated in Western China.


Although quinoa is a grain like food, it is in fact not a grass and as such cannot be classified as a real cereal or grain. It is more related to beets and spinach.

It originated in South America and held in the same esteem as potatoes and maize. Although the leaves can be eaten; it is the grain like seeds that are generally consumed. Quinoa is rich in protein, essential amino acids, iron, fiber and magnesium. It is also gluten free making it easier to digest than many other foods. General preparation is much like rice. Two cups of water to one cup of quinoa, and it can sometimes be substituted into a dish instead of rice.


Despite being called an oily fish, salmon is low in calories and high in protein, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids aren’t produced naturally by the body but none the less are required for good health. As such they must be absorbed from the foods we eat. They are widely recognized as a source of good cholesterol which reduces risk of heart disease. As well as aid healthy brain function, lower blood pressure and reduce the risks of contracting certain cancers.

Where possible try and eat wild salmon as opposed to fish farm grown salmon. Wild salmon has the opportunity to eat natural foods whereas fish farm salmon is feed artificial food, sometimes far removed from its natural diet.


Sardines, also called Pilchards relate to small oily fish. They were named after the Mediterranean island of Sardina where the fish once flourished.

They are rich in nutrients and omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce bad cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. Sardines are also rich in proteins, calcium, vitamin D and B12. Two or three servings a week will help you lower risks pertaining to heart disease, arthritis and depression. Some experts claim its positive effects for memory loss and in the useful treatment of Alzheimer’s.


Spinach originated in central Asia, somewhere around modern day Iran. It is high in anti oxidants, calcium, iron plus vitamins A, C, E, K and B6. It also contains healthy magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids.

It’s high nutritional value made it the food choice for everyone’s hero, Popeye the sailor man. To benefit most from Spinach it is better to lightly steam it for less than 4 minutes. After that time, especially when boiled, the nutritional content drops considerably.


Despite being a microscopic algae; spirulina packs a huge nutritional punch and is arguably one of the most nutritional foods on the planet. It’s full of amino acids, phytonutrients, minerals and vitamins. Perhaps though its biggest benefit is the huge percentage of natural proteins it contains; around 67%. This makes it an ideal food for people suffering fatigue related issues as protein helps the body with stamina and overall vitality.

 Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a healthier alternative to normal potatoes. Although called potatoes they are not that closely related to normal potatoes and sometimes called yams.

They originated in the tropical parts of South America some 5000 years ago. Sweet potatoes are a good source of dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates, beta carotene (a vitamin A equivalent nutrient), vitamin B6 and vitamin C.


Tofu is made from fermented soy beans called edamame in a process similar to making cheese using curdled soy milk. It is a great source of protein, calcium, B vitamins and fiber.

Soy helps lower cholesterol and reduces the risk of developing heart disease. It also has an abundance of Isoflavones which help strengthen bones much like estrogen and may ward off bone disease later in life. Tofu is used extensively in the Japanese diet and often used as a substitute for meat.


Originated in South America in the highlands of Peru. The most potent nutrient that the tomato has is an antioxidant called lycopene, which is great for maintaining a healthy heart.

They are also rich in vitamins A and C. New research suggests that lycopene, can also help protect the skin from harmful ultra violet rays.

 Whole Grains

Any food with the word “whole” in it generally is very good for you. Whole grains contain the endosperm, germ, bran and B vitamins. Refined grains only have the endosperm. Most of the important anti oxidants are found in the germ and is why they are healthier than refined grains. They are a primary source of carbohydraytes.

Some common whole grains are: maize, barley, wheat, brown rice, rye, and oats. Perhaps the easiest way to get a good dose of whole grains is to consume them as a breakfast cereal.

 Low fat or fat free Yogurt

Although a well balanced healthy diet should include a variety of low fat dairy products, yogurt stands out due to the abundance of healthy protein, riboflavin, calcium, and B vitamins.

It is made by fermenting milk; but unlike milk from which it is derived, yogurt can be consumed by lactose intolerant  people. Fermentation acts on milk proteins which convert it into its distinct texture.

 Dark Chocolate

The experts opine that consumption of dark chocolate, especially with a 60 + percent of cocoa content, will help to lower blood pressure, slow down digestion and lead to weight loss. The useful abundance of monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) can enhance your metabolism to burn more calories and body fat.

When consuming Superfoods, you should exercise care to ensure that you have a balanced mix of all of them. Your diet should not consist only of one or two Superfoods in excessive quantities. Follow diversity when you consume Superfoods except fruits and vegetables, which you can have as often as you want. However, consumption of oils, seeds and nuts should be done in moderation.

So now you know a bunch of Superfoods and what to look for next time you’re in a supermarket. The Japanese diet as you may or may not know is the healthiest on the planet and once you see these recipes you’ll understand why.

One final tip. Focus on eating foods (particularly) Superfoods that are as close to their natural state as possible. A lot of the western diet consists of foods that are processed far away from their natural state. And the further a food is processed from its natural state, the more unhealthy it becomes for our bodies.

Here’s the problem with the western diet. Most people are only eating about 30 different foods a week. The Japanese however, eat over 100 different foods per week and the vast majority are tasty and healthy Superfoods. The Japanese also consume about 1 third the amount of sugar that Americans do.

Health and Weight Lose Tips

Sprinkling mustard powder on broccoli significantly increases the formation of sulforaphane which has been shown to reduce inflammation, protect our brain, boost detox enzymes, protect eyesight and help prevent DNA damage. 

Research shows having a cup of tea 3 or more times a week could be linked to lower risks of cardiovascular disease, so it’s the perfect excuse to pop the kettle on.

Sleep is crucial to our health, it helps to prevent stress and unecessary weight gain, and allows us to perform at our best. Our top tip for better sleep is to time your light exposure, so you expose yourself to bright light in the morning and avoid it in the evening!

Consuming high levels of salt leads to hypertension, which can cause heart disease and stroke. Try preparing your own meals, so you can cut back on salt, and experiment with other exciting spices, such as rosemary, garlic or oinion powder!

Boost your vitamin B levels and your mood! Vitamin B is vital in producing the happiness hormones (dopamine and serotonin). You can increase your levels of by eating fortified cereal, wholegrains and eggs!

“Maintaining bone and muscle strength as we age is critical, not only to ensure we can continue to live life to the full physically, but also to maintain mental health."

Happiness is infectious! A Harvard study found that our mood is influenced by the people we spend the most time with. Surrounding yourself with happy, positive individuals, can make us feel more happy and positive, and we can return the favour by passing on our happiness!

The power of garlic! Eating garlic can provide your immune system with a great little boost – research has shown that it can restrain or reduce the effect of up to 20 types of bacteria and 60 types of fungus and yeast. What better excuse to indulge in some garlic bread!

The surprising benefits of cabbage! Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, which can have anti-ageing properties and boost your immunity. It has also been shown to reduce cholesterol, the fibre in cabbage latches on to the bile acids in your stomach and ensures you absorb less cholesterol

Make time for yourself! Sometimes we all need a bit of time to ourselves to recharge our batteries. Taking 5 minutes out of your day to read a magazine or go for a walk can actually boost productivity and creativity! Let us know what you like to do to relax.

Want to balance your mood? Seratonin is a natural mood stabiliser, which can help with eating, sleeping and digesting. You can boost your serotonin levels by consuming cheese and nuts!

Did you know that gratitude can make us happier? Consciously finding things to be grateful for can result in a more positive outlook on life. Why not try writing down 3 things you're grateful for each day? Let us know what they are!

Which carbs are best??
Did you know that by choosing fibre rich wholegrain rice, bread and pasta of the white stuff, you can reduce your risk of heart disease by 22%? 

Look after your joints Pineapple
Eat more pineapple! It contains bromelain which is an anti-inflammatory, so it's great for back and joint pain. 

A healthy diet can help reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease or diabetes. It may also help keep your brain healthy.
In general, a healthy diet consists of fruits and vegetables; whole grains; lean meats, fish, and poultry; and low-fat or non-fat dairy products.

Being intellectually engaged may benefit the brain. People who engage in meaningful activities, like volunteering or hobbies, say they feel happier and healthier. Learning new skills may improve your thinking ability, too.

A number of studies link eating certain foods with keeping the brain healthy—and suggest that other foods can increase health risk. For example, high-fat, high-sodium foods can lead to health problems, like heart disease and diabetes, that harm the brain.

Know how much to eat
Learn to recognize how much to eat so you can control portion size. When eating out, pack part of your meal to eat later. One restaurant dish might be enough for two meals or more.

Vary your vegetablesMan holding a box of lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, and beets
Include a variety of different colored, flavored, and textured vegetables. Most vegetables are a low-calorie source of nutrients. Vegetables are also a good source of fiber.

Correct slimming

Nutritional basis for proper weight loss

Knowing if there really is an overweight or obesity should be the first premise before starting any weight loss plan. Currently, the simplest and most accepted method is the calculation of the body mass index (BMI) or Quetelet, which is obtained by dividing the weight by the square of the height. In general terms and for a healthy adult, a BMI between 20 and 25 is adequate, between 25 and 30 indicates overweight, and not necessarily obesity, since it could be due to an increase in bodybuilding as in the case of athletes.Only figures above 30 allow us to talk about obesity and therefore advise correcting this alteration. However, in recent times there has been increased concern about rates below 20, that is, thinness, because if they approach 15 or below, they should be alarmed at the possibility of anorexia, which, as is known, is modern pathology. maximum expansion after AIDS.

Overweight is a state of which energy reserves, mainly in the form of fat, are excessive. The human organism is not an exception to the universal laws of energy and this situation can only occur when the amount of energy entered with the diet is greater than that spent as physical activity, basal metabolic rate or thermogenic action of food, mainly. Therefore, and returning to the idea already underlined in the introduction of this chapter, the situation of overweight or obesity cannot be corrected unless the balance is reversed, making the individual's energy expenditure greater than the risk.

As a summary, the characteristics of a good diet to lose weight should be:

- Provide less energy than is necessary to maintain body weight.
- Provide adequate proportions of all nutrients.
- That is acceptable

 If the first requirement is not met, weight cannot be reduced; if the second one is not fulfilled, the long-term result would be malnutrition and, if the third is not met, the diet will not be followed.

For all the above, the basis for the design of a correct weight loss diet should take into account the following aspects:

- To know the habitual diet of the individual to be able to establish the caloric deficit according to the previous energy intake.

- Know the eating habits. It is important the information on the economic and family status, the usual model of meals and preferences and aversions to be able to make a specific food choice since, when the diet is more varied and similar to the usual one, the better it will be accepted .

- Guidance on the nutritional value of food.

- Psychological Support.

- Distribute the daily intake several times. The fragmented distribution in several meals of the total foods that make up the diet is very important. First, to avoid prolonged periods of fasting that could avoid intense hunger and possible bingeing and compulsive behaviors. A good diet is one in which the next meal is not very hungry. On the other hand, it cannot be forgotten that the expense for the thermogenic action of the diet and for the digestive and metabolic processes, although proportional to the food ingested, is higher if the total energy intake is distributed throughout the day .

The unavoidable basis of a weight loss diet is to decrease its fat content because, automatically, it will become hypocaloric because, as is known, the energy value of fat is 2.25 times higher than that of proteins or carbohydrates. .

However, the formulation of a slimming diet, which must have less energy but the same concentration of the rest of the nutrients is not easy and requires experience and imagination, due to the difficulty of transporting all the nutrients in a small amount of food and Therefore, it is necessary that foods that are part of a weight loss diet have a high nutrient density. Because these types of foods are limited and given the need for these diets to be varied in order to be accepted, it is often necessary to take into account the use of supplements or mineral-vitamin complexes customized for their design.

Exercise is a good way to prevent weight gain. Apart from its value (mobility, agility, cardiac function), a small excess in intake can be compensated by a small increase in physical activity. The value of exercise is, however, controversial for losing a lot of weight although it is well established in the treatment of moderately obese people in good health. It should be remembered, only, that exercise is the other great variable in energy expenditure and that this expense is proportional to its duration and the weight of the subject. That is, an overweight person spends more energy for the same activity rate as a thin one. On the other hand, exercise is the only way in which the individual can influence voluntarily and not pharmacologically to increase spending.

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We all know that cholesterol is one of the leading causes of death in our country. The 
accumulation of fat in our veins and arteries causes a large number of cardiovascular diseases that can even cause death.

 The only solution we have to fight against cholesterol, and it must be said that it is a very good solution, is to ally ourselves with a healthy, balanced diet and exercise. I want to give you the keys to a good diet for the fight against cholesterol, we are going to indicate the foods that you have to hold on to, and those that you have to forget forever. It has been scientifically proven that foods rich in plant sterols reduce cholesterol by up to 10%, since plant sterols partially inhibit cholesterol absorption. 
The natural foods that contain the most are: whole grain cereals, nuts, almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, vegetable oils, vegetables ... Also margarines and dairy products that help reduce cholesterol are functional foods enriched with plant sterols. Fiber is an essential component in the fight against cholesterol, since it allows sweeping of the arteries all waste and fat that limits the passage of blood. Therefore, eating foods such as whole grains, which contain a lot of soluble fiber, is very beneficial: brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, whole-wheat flour, seeds such as chia, flax or flaxseed, sesame, sunflower, quinoa, amaranth ...

Vegetables are also foods very rich in fiber, known for their multiple nutritional and health virtues, among which is the reduction of cholesterol. Fruits, vegetables are, without a doubt, keys in every diet, and more specifically when we have problems with high cholesterol levels. Fruits and vegetables, along with cereals and legumes, are the foods with more fiber, in addition, they incorporate vitamins, which, vitamin C is very beneficial, as well as antioxidants. Among the most important foods we would find: Nuts, soy drinks, tofu, and “vegetable meats” based on soybeans as a source of protein. 
 Fruits and vegetables rich in anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are pigments found in certain fruits and vegetables and that help lower cholesterol naturally. Anthocyanins are responsible for giving a characteristic color that ranges from red to blue and purple. Among the fruits we would find: blueberries, plums, figs, passion fruit, blackberries, black grapes, blue berries, black berries, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, pomegranate, red apple, watermelon, red pear and prunes. 
While the vegetables with more anthocyanins are: red pepper, radish, tomato, beet, cabbage or red cabbage and eggplant.
 In addition to anthocyanins, resveratrol is another component, a polyphenol, very important that is found above all in the skin of the grape, so it is good to have a glass of wine at meals, since the wine is rich in resveratrol and polyphenols , in addition to anthocyanins.
 Garlic is another food that has been proven to help eliminate bad cholesterol from our body, and thus allows it to stabilize naturally. It is a food rich in minerals and vitamins, among which those of group B.
 Eating blue fish is another essential in these diets, they are foods with high amounts of Omega3, fatty acids that prevent fat from depositing in the arteries.
The Red Tea Detox

 Green tea, red tea and horsetail infusions. The first 2 because they contain many antioxidants that help the heart function and improve your entire arterial system. Horsetail is a beneficial herb for many diseases, and among them it helps maintain a stable cholesterol. 
 In addition, it is important to maintain a healthy weight and avoid obesity; To do this, you must limit the intake of saturated fats, trans fats and cholesterol. This can be achieved with lean meats and vegetable protein alternatives, skimmed and low-fat dairy products and minimize the intake of partially hydrogenated fats (pastries, chips, margarines, pre-cooked foods). 
 We must also try to avoid both the intake of sugary drinks, and foods cooked with a lot of salt, and if possible, avoid salt altogether.

 Alcohol is another weak point, you have to avoid it, or take it in moderation. In addition to this, Harvard University managed to determine through a study that people who are in good spirits, who are also optimistic and who do not let themselves be overcome by everyday problems are less likely to suffer heart problems.
 We hope we have helped you in your fight against cholesterol. Cheer up

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The Mediterranean diet is a dietary pattern that is complemented by the practice of physical exercise and the climate of the countries adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea, and that has multiple health benefits.
In terms of food, the Mediterranean diet is based on the ingredients of local agriculture in countries with Mediterranean climate, mainly Spain and Italy. It is summarized in reducing the consumption of meats and carbohydrates for the benefit of more vegetable foods and monounsaturated fats.

Basic foods that integrate it

Among the recommended ingredients are vegetables, fruit, fish, white meat, pasta, rice and nuts, in addition to wine consumption in moderation. Another of the most recommended products is olive oil, which thanks to oleic acid and its vegetable fats reduces the risk of clogging arteries, and has a high content of carotenes and vitamin E. The Mediterranean diet promotes consumption of olive oil against other types of oil and especially against butter. In this food pattern, products such as red meat, sweets and eggs are scarce.

The Mediterranean diet  also takes into account the typical recipes of these places, made with seasonal products, as well as traditional ways of cooking and other cultural factors such as the habit of meals shared with family or friends, traditions and celebrations.
Mediterranean diet ,is one of the essential pillars on which the Mediterranean diet is based.

Health benefits

The health benefits of this diet are more significant when combined with physical exercise. This should be moderated, but if possible it should be done for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week. In case it is complicated for reasons of time, it must be done as regularly as possible. Options such as walking, running, swimming or cycling are advisable, but you can also use any other sport or activity that helps burn calories and fat, as well as optimal physical maintenance. Thus, it helps to lose weight, control blood pressure and hypercholesterolemia, and delay cognitive impairment. The usual practice of physical exercise also offers protection against chronic diseases such as diabetes or Alzheimer's.

The monitoring of the Mediterranean diet, in addition to helping to control the weight and increase the feeling of physical well-being, improves the functioning of various organs, such as the kidney and the heart. It has been found that the cancer mortality rate is lower among those who practice it than in the countries of northern Europe or America, which tend to abuse more fast food, pre-cooked foods and fats.

This food pattern, which has been transmitted from generation to generation over several centuries in the Mediterranean regions, has evolved and welcomed new foods and ways of preparation, but maintains the properties and characteristics that make it a model of life healthy, and that people of all ages and conditions can practice. The products are easy to obtain and prepare, and there are many recipes, both simple and more elaborate, with which to get the most out of this diet. In addition, its importance in the well-being of individuals is not limited to the fact that it is a varied, healthy and balanced diet; It should also be borne in mind that its low content of saturated fats and sugars, and its abundance of vitamins and fiber contribute to its richness in antioxidants.

Risks of the Mediterranean diet

Despite its advantages, following the Mediterranean diet strictly can reduce iron and calcium levels by consuming less meat and dairy products. Therefore, you can consult the doctor if you have to take any supplement or specific product rich in these minerals. As for wine, it is advised that it be taken during meals and always in moderation, but it is not essential, so it can be suppressed if its intake poses any health risk.



It is the most used oil in Mediterranean cuisine. It is a food rich in vitamin E, beta-carotenes and monounsaturated fatty acids that confer cardioprotective properties. This food represents a treasure in the Mediterranean diet, and has lasted for centuries among regional gastronomic customs, giving the dishes a unique flavor and aroma.


Vegetables and fruits are the main source of vitamins, minerals and fiber in our diet and provide us with a large amount of water. It is essential to consume 5 servings of fruit and vegetables daily. Thanks to its high content of antioxidants and fiber, they can help prevent, among others, some cardiovascular diseases and some types of cancer.


Daily consumption of pasta, rice and cereals is indispensable for its carbohydrate-rich composition. They provide us with an important part of the energy needed for our daily activities.


It is important to take advantage of seasonal products because, especially in the case of fruits and vegetables, it allows us to consume them at their best, both at the level of nutrient intake and its aroma and flavor.


Nutritionally it should be noted that dairy products as excellent sources of high biological value proteins, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, etc.) and vitamins. The consumption of fermented milks (yogurt, etc.) is associated with a series of health benefits because these products contain live microorganisms capable of improving the balance of the intestinal microflora.


Excessive consumption of animal fats is not good for health. Therefore, it is recommended to consume in small quantities, preferably lean meats, and as part of dishes based on vegetables and cereals.


 The consumption of blue fish is recommended at least once or twice a week since its fats - although of animal origin - have properties very similar to fats of plant origin to which they are attributed protective properties against cardiovascular diseases.
Eggs contain very good quality proteins, fats and many vitamins and minerals that make them a very rich food. Consuming three or four eggs a week is a good alternative to meat and fish.


Fruits are very nutritious foods that add color and flavor to our daily diet and are also a good alternative at mid-morning and as a snack.


Water is essential in our diet. Wine is a traditional food in the Mediterranean diet that can have beneficial effects on health by consuming it in moderation and in the context of a balanced diet.


Staying physically active and performing a physical exercise adapted to our abilities every day is very important to maintain good health.

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                                      7 DETOX SHAKES TO LOSE WEIGHT
                        (WHAT YOU CAN PREPARE IN 5 MIN. AT YOUR HOME)

Without a doubt, the most popular is the one who says: "I lose weight this year", "I go on a diet", "I take off those extra pounds" or "I join the gym" ... surely by now you have encountered the same thing several times, right?
If you have also included this topic in your list of purposes, I recommend you not to miss the following article in which we will talk about what is so fashionable about detox shakes to lose weight and we will propose 7 detox shakes to lose weight.
So keep reading because you are going to love this.

What are detox shakes or detoxifiers?
First of all, what is a detox drink?

Broadly speaking we can say that a detox drink is one that is mostly made up of vegetables, a smaller amount of fruit and water or some type of infusion to lighten it and make it less dense
The denomination detox or detoxifier is given by its mixture of natural ingredients full of vitamins, fiber and minerals that help the body to purify, detoxify and eliminate toxins from our body in a simple, fast and efficient way. At the same time we enjoy a drink full of delicious flavor that nourishes us inside and out.
Detox shakes are also very satiating so they will help us when it comes to losing weight by eating fewer calories.

When should we drink detox shakes?

Smoothies are an excellent alternative for all types of people whatever their need.
We will always recommend as a first option to take the whole fruit because in this way in addition to taking advantage of all the fiber of vegetables and fruits we will be favoring the digestion with the chewing process.
This is ideal from the nutritional point of view.
However, in case of being reluctant with this type of consumption or having to force ourselves to eat more vegetables and / or fruits we will opt for milkshakes, not juices! In those with a single dose we will be satisfying our needs for this type of nutrients.

Attention: Juices and detox smoothies are not the same

Why do I say no to juices? There is a simple explanation:
Fruits and vegetables in the smoothie process (what is commonly known as making juice, either in a domestic juicer or in a blender) in addition to losing all the fiber it turns into sugar and we already know how harmful it comes from where it comes from, even from something we can see as natural as a fruit. More sugar, despite coming from natural fruit juices, is not as healthy as we think.

How to make detox smoothies at home for the whole family

If you are determined to take the step to the detox shakes you will be wondering how you can prepare them at home and thus benefit from their magnificent properties.I will tell you that it is very simple.
You only need vegetables, ideally green leafy vegetables, fruit, water and a blender.
If you want to go further, you can encourage yourself to introduce superfoods such as chlorella, spirulina, maca, wheatgrass ...
But to get into this world with having a good base of vegetables and fruit we have more than enough. So don't worry if you don't have these ingredients.
Whenever you can ... more vegetables than fruit in your detox preparations.
Ideally, the proportion of vegetables is greater than the fruit.
This is what will happen:
At the beginning, the taste of this combination can collide with our tastes and with our palate, since not everyone is accustomed to the powerful flavors of the beaten green leaves and the taste of chlorophyll.
That the taste is not pleasant for everyone, at least when we start in this detox world, it is very true.
 I recommend you start with a proportion of half and half. Half vegetable half fruit to give more sweetness and flavor to your detox smoothie.
Once you get used to your palate you can easily adjust amounts and give prominence to the green leaves instead of the sweet fruit, which is interesting and healthy.
With the shopping cart full of vegetables and fruit let's see what kind of shakes are best for weight loss, since that is one of our purposes this year.
Preparing the shopping list to lose weight with detox shakes
If our goal is to lose weight, we must opt ​​for detox shakes in which the main ingredients are as the name itself indicates detoxifiers and whose mission in our body is that, to clean, purify and help eliminate toxins that are left over.
These ingredients can be within the group of green leafy vegetables, spinach, chard, arugula, kale cabbage, canons ...
Also other vegetables such as carrots, celery, broccoli, beets, squash ...
Within the group of fruits we can opt for bananas that bring a lot of sweetness if they are very ripe, pears, oranges, tangerines, apple, pineapple, grapes, pomegranate, strawberries, blueberries.
And other red fruits such as blackberries or currants, and even lemon ...
To lighten the shakes we will use water, another way to give them lightness could be using milks or vegetable drinks to taste (oatmeal, almonds, cashews, rice or soy, for example), but in this way we are adding to our drink detox ingredients no longer so Detox, as if we want to give a sweet touch to add dates, but as I say, we would be leaving aside the detox side to get into the healthiest sweet tooth and it is not what concerns us today.As you can see, we have a great variety to choose from, which is why the diversity around detox milkshakes or also called green milkshakes.
We can mix and never get bored until we find our favorite flavor, although I warn you that once the tests are so addictive that you can not opt ​​for one.

Even so, I share with you the 7 detox shakes to lose weight that we have promised you and that will be delicious

Do you dare to try them? Surely yes:

Seven detox shakes to lose weight, one for each day of the week:
Next, we leave you the shopping list for this week of daily shakes:

3 generous bunches of spinach leaves
3 generous bunches also of chard leaves
1 bunch kale cabbage leaves
1 bunch arugula
1 celery bouquet
1/2 raw pumpkin
2 bananas
1 carrot
1 sweet apple / yellow / red
1 medium beet
2 pears
1/2 pineapple
1 bowl of red fruits varied to taste
1 lemon
2 oranges
Optional, to complement our drinks:
ginger powder  ,ground pepper  ,turmeric powder

 Day 1. Monday: Pumpkin detox smoothie
To start in this world we are going to give prominence to the pumpkin, a sweet ingredient that will help us to enter the world of detox smoothies without too much difficulty.

We need:
1 piece of raw pumpkin (the size of a fist)
1 piece of celery (the size of the fingertip)
1 whole banana
1 glass of water
1 ginger powder tip (optional)
We beat all the ingredients with our blender and ready, if the consistency is not pleasant you can add more water to taste.

Day 2. Tuesday: Green slimming smoothie

The second day we will begin to give prominence to the greens who, as we have said before, must be the main protagonists of the detox shakes if our mission is to lose weight.

We need:
2 handfuls of spinach leaves
1 raw carrot
1 yellow or red apple (not acidic)
1 glass of water (or more to taste to achieve the desired consistency)
The same procedure as the previous day, beat and go.

Day 3. Wednesday: Beet detox smoothie
An ingredient that in addition to delicious in our detox shakes is very colorful is beet.
The taste of raw beets is powerful and earthy so I recommend you try it with some fruit that brings us that sweet touch at the beginning so that it does not throw us back.

We need:
1 medium-sized raw beet
2 ripe pears
1 splash of lemon juice
1 glass of water
We beat and taste.

We should not be scared if our bowel movements after taking this type of beet smoothies as the main ingredient turn a deep purple color.
It is due to beet pigmentation and we should not be alerted for it.

Day 4. Thursday: Green smoothie if we like chard
Chard, of which we will use only the leaves, are great for making a detox milkshake.

We will need:
3 handfuls of chard (as you can see we are increasing the amount of vegetables / green leaf every day)
1 piece of celery (about ten centimeters)
2 oranges
1 glass of water
And bat beating! It is a simply delicious combination.

Day 5. Friday: Combined green leaves
In this case and for being the last day before the weekend we will also make a combination of different green leaves, let's see.

We need:
1 handful spinach leaves
1 handful of arugula leaves
1 banana
1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, optional (powerful natural anti-inflammatory)
1 tip of ground pepper, optional (which increases the benefits of turmeric)
1 glass of water
Beat until you achieve the desired texture, remember that you can vary the amount of water to taste.

Day 6. Saturday: To the rich pineapple
Pineapple is the diuretic fruit, an unconditional friend of our detox shakes and a good ally for weight loss.

We need:
2 handfuls of spinach leaves
1 handful of arugula leaves
1/4 peeled pineapple
1 glass of water
Do not be fooled by the sight, even being green smoothies are a delight full of flavor.

Day 7. Sunday: A detox milkshake to dominate them all
To finish our list of smoothies detox to lose weight and close the week we go with the jewel in the crown.
A nutrient-filled drink that will help us feel better in all aspects.
So aim well.

We need:
1 handful of spinach
1 handful of kale leaves
1 generous piece of celery about 10 centimeters (celery leaves are also excellent for use in our shakes, so do not throw them away and introduce them in your mixes)
1 bowl of red fruits to taste (currants, blueberries, raspberries ... you can also mix them)
1 splash of lemon juice
1 glass of water
We beat and savor this delight full of minerals.

Practical recommendations for drinking detox shakes
As a recommendation it is ideal to drink your detox shakes while being aware of what we do.

That is, chewing them and not swallowing as is, to thereby favor the process of digestion and that it begins in our mouth, slowly.

If you do not get all the smoothie at once, you can take it all morning in small sips. You can even leave them prepared the night before so as not to waste time in the morning, it will always be better not to take them, and although there is loss of nutrients this is very low keeping it in the fridge.

The shakes are not intended to replace meals although they are a perfect complement at breakfast time or mid-morning.

The rest of our meals should be balanced and moderate if what we want is to lose weight, for the simple fact of drinking the detox shake you will not lose weight if you do not take other measures based on your diet and physical activity. This is just a complement, another addition to your detoxification process.

The magic as you know does not exist, there is no trick or miracle that is worth, the only efficient thing for weight loss is to consume fewer calories than are spent and / or exercise to burn them.

It will not help us to drink a detox shake to lose weight if we continue to eat badly and remain sedentary for the rest of the year.

Always watch the ingredients of the shakes they sell as detox, many are loaded to the top with sugar and are a pointless and a way to deceive the consumer.

It is best to visit the market and fill your shopping basket with vegetables and fruit to make your own smoothies at home, it is clear that the intake of vegetables and fruit is beneficial for our body and we must make it a daily routine, but remember that alone will not work the miracle of subtracting pounds from more of our bodies.

First of all, if you are serious about losing weight and dieting, always consult an expert weight loss nutritionist who makes a nutritional plan tailored to your needs.

Health is the most important.

Do not forget to share this information with whoever you want through your social networks.

DID YOU KNOW ......?

  •  Poppy seeds to help stress    Try sprinkling some poppy seeds on your yogurt. Among its benefits you will find that it acts as a nervous relaxant, so its use is highly recommended in times of stress.
  • Avocado instead of butter   Did you know that avocado can replace butter? Use a small amount, preventing its color from becoming greenish, and you can prepare your recipes in a healthier way.
  • Eat slowly to be happier   In addition to avoiding noticing the digestions, eating slower helps you free yourself from stress and not gobble up food, as you learn to stop when you're not hungry anymore.
  • White or blue fish?    They differ by the amount of fat they contain. Blues usually exceed 10% while whites do not reach 5%. But beware, that does not mean that blues are less recommended, since most of their fats are healthy.
  •  More vitamin C than oranges    If you want to help prevent colds, oranges are not your only allies. In fact, parsley, red pepper, broccoli or papaya have more vitamin C. Include them in your diet!
  •  The anti-aging power of red fruits and vegetables     The reddish color that fruits and vegetables receive is due to lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, so eating tomatoes, peppers or watermelon will help prevent cell aging.
  • Honey to fill you with energy    If you are looking for a healthy alternative to table sugar, honey is a great option. Among its many properties, this food is a great source of energy or can help soften your cough. Test it!
  • Melon and watermelon, better at noon    Although they are delicious and a great summer dessert, their consumption at night is not recommended, since due to their large amount of water they ferment very quickly in the stomach and can cause indigestion.
  •  Dairy products for radiant teeth   Surprisingly, some dairy products, such as cheese, milk or yogurt, are great mouth cleaners thanks to lactic acid, which also take care of our gums and help maintain our dental health.
  • Add pumpkin seeds to your life   Nothing bad can be said about them: they are a source of magnesium, zinc, omega-3, tryptophan ... Their benefits are numerous and their flavor and versatility make them perfect for inclusion in desserts, yogurts, stews, vegetables ...
  •  1001 ways to eat fiber   In addition to being present in countless fruits and vegetables, fiber is also found in foods that would not come so easily to our minds when thinking about this quality: popcorn, olives, pepper, pumpkin seeds or nuts.
  •  Question of eggs   We are used to chicken, but there is a wide variety. Ostrich, for example, are so large that they could serve four people. Seagulls, meanwhile, are considered a delicacy in countries such as the United Kingdom and Norway. Of course, it is not recommended to eat more than 4 or 5 chicken eggs per week.
  •  Strong bones   Although milk is an indisputable source of calcium, there are many other foods where to find this mineral. Among them, spinach, onion, broccoli,vegetables , nuts, yogurt, cheeses, eggs, sardines, seafood and cookies.
  •  Do not throw the yogurt liquid   Many people are used to throwing the liquid of the yogurt that is seen when opening it. However, its contribution in proteins is very important: it consists of water and mineral salts and is rich in calcium and phosphorus. Better eat it all!
  •  Ginger and saffron, friends of passion   In 2018, a study concluded that both ginger and saffron have properties capable of arousing sexual desire. Spicy, strawberries or bananas, on the other hand, do not have aphrodisiac properties in themselves.
  • Eat watermelon pipes    Did you know that watermelon pipes are edible and have innumerable properties? They are a source of fiber, magnesium, zinc, polyunsaturated fats, vegetable proteins ... Think twice before throwing them back!
  • Tomatoes, better cooked   Although many vegetables lose vitamins and minerals at high temperatures, a study by the journal Nutrition explained that, when heated, tomato lycopene intensifies its antioxidant potential.
  •  Spinach Salad, winning option   Salad leaves look alike but are very different. Cabbage is good for tiredness, watercress is rich in vitamin A and C and lettuce is perfect for the intestine. Spinach, meanwhile, is an inexhaustible source of vitamin A, C, E, magnesium, iron and folic acid.
  • Fats with designation of origin   Not all fats are bad. Unsaturated ones are healthy and lower bad cholesterol, so their consumption is highly recommended. They are present in foods such as salmon, tuna, avocado, nuts, almonds, pistachios, sesame or olive oil.
  •  Chocolate to wake you up   Interestingly, chocolate, although in a lower concentration than coffee or black tea, contains caffeine, so it can be used as a perfect (although milder) stimulant and as a delicious alternative.
  • To the delicious sushi   In addition to being delicious, eating raw fish (as is done with sushi or tartar) is very beneficial for health, as it contains those properties and vitamins that are lost when heating food when we cook them.
  •  Chia and quinoa seeds for your heart   To aim at the fashion of the seeds is to do your organism a favor. In addition to being an ideal complement to your yogurts or desserts, chia and quinoa seeds are rich in Omega 3, which favors good cholesterol and helps our cardiovascular health.
  • Spices with iron   When we talk about foods with iron, we always think of lentils or clams, but the truth is that, as a percentage, the spices have much more of this mineral: thyme, cumin, dill, oregano, bay leaf, basil, cinnamon powder ... Add them to your recipes !
  •  Thirst or hunger?   Although it sounds strange, many people confuse thirst with hunger, which leads us to eat more. Therefore, it is recommended to drink a glass of water before meals, so that we calm the hunger and not eat more than we need.
  •  Foods to help you sleep like a baby   If you want to sleep better, there are foods that will help you get it. Whole grains (rice, oatmeal, wheat or corn) and dairy (fresh cheese, yogurt and milk) are rich in tryptophan, which helps boost melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep.
  •  Green tea to help your digestion   Green tea is more fashionable than ever and its beneficial properties are to blame. Among them, which is a source of antioxidants, an excellent purifying ally and a great aid for perfect digestion.
  • Strawberries, better whole   When peeling or cutting fruits, we change their properties. This happens because contact with light and especially with air causes oxidation and loss of vitamin C, so if we are not going to eat it at the moment, it is better not to manipulate the fruit.
  • Vitamins do not go away   How many times have they told you to drink a juice because the vitamins are gone? There is a false belief that vitamin C evaporates from the juice, but the truth is that it only happens in extreme conditions (heat it very strongly), so vitamins are preserved up to 12 hours after squeezing the juice.
  •  Almonds and hazelnuts to brighten the skin   Vitamin E is a great ally to take care of our skin. Although it is present in several nuts, it is the almonds and hazelnuts that contain the most.
Do not forget to share this information with whoever you want through your social networks.


Practicing a physical activity is good for your well-being, especially when you do it regularly. But have you ever wondered what and how much you should eat if you are exercising? Well, today is your lucky day: here are some facts that you might not know about nutrition and exercise.


The most basic of all: drink water. Since 90% of our body is made up of water, it is important that we are well hydrated at all times, but especially when we exercise.

Did you know that drinking enough water reduces the chances of cramps and sprains? This is because it keeps the muscles and joints lubricated, and improves the strength of the ligaments; In addition, it helps eliminate toxins and waste from the body.

In order not to become dehydrated when you exercise, you should drink approximately half a liter of water for every hour of exercise you have done. And if the physical activity exceeds an hour and a half, it is advisable to drink drinks with electrolytes to recover the lost.


Many trainers recommend low carb diets, but these can actually
hurt you a lot. Since carbohydrates are the main source of energy in our body, if we do high-performance physical activities and do not eat carbohydrates, we will feel very bad because our brain will function poorly. Fruits, granola bars and cereals and whole-grain breads are healthy if we consume them in adequate doses.


Some fats are good. For example, there are certain vitamins that use fats as transport to fulfill their function. Others help make hormones. The thing is not to stop eating fat when we exercise, but to choose the right ones.

The good ones

Olive oil
Vegetable oils
Peanut butter


Proteins are great, and they are necessary to repair tissues. But you don't want to consume too many. Unlike fats, proteins are not stored or left in your hips or your liver. This means that when you eat more protein than you need, your kidneys have to work harder to discard surpluses. And that is not bad, unless it happens very often. If you have a very high protein diet for a very long time, you can suffer from kidney and liver damage, kidney stones, bone decalcification, and other health problems.


The best way to take care of your diet when you exercise has nothing new: you have to balance what you eat and make sure you include the necessary nutrients in your meals. However, here are a few tips that can be useful if you do sports or simply like to do physical activities frequently:

Eat 5 times a day. In addition to your three main meals, include a couple of snacks.
Before exercising, eat an integral fruit or bar. That will give you the energy you need for good performance. But don't abuse, one is enough.
After exercising, eat a protein-rich food that helps your muscles regain their strength. The best are tuna, fish, chicken and fresh cheeses.
If you do more than an hour and a half of exercise a day, your nutritional requirements are different. It is important that you look for a nutritionist to advise you on the diet you should follow.
Now that you know it, put it into practice. Get active and eat healthy, your body will thank you.
 Do not forget to share this information with whoever you want through your social networks.